透气布技术指标(Airslide Fabrics Specification)
(天津市盛泉新技术有限公司 王如兰 电话:022-86871793 传真:022-86872001 手机:13920621609)
型号 Type |
材料 Material |
层数 ply |
抗拉 Tensile Warp.>N/mm |
强度 Strenqth West>N/mm |
耐温 Heat Resistance℃ |
厚度 Thickness (+0.5,-0.3mm) |
重量 Weight/㎡ |
宽度 Max Wide |
透气阻力 Air resistancein 2m³/㎡/minH2omm
/ |
AP4-4 |
100﹪涤纶 Polyester |
4 |
360 |
270 |
150 |
4 |
3200g |
2000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
AP4-5 |
4 |
360 |
270 |
150 |
5 |
3600g |
2000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
AP4-6 |
100﹪涤纶 |
4 |
360 |
270 |
150 |
6 |
4000g |
2000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
AP4-7 |
100﹪涤纶 |
4 |
360 |
270 |
150 |
7 |
4400g |
2000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
AP4-8 |
100﹪涤纶 |
4 |
360 |
270 |
150 |
8 |
4800g |
2000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
AP4-5 |
100﹪全棉 |
4 |
150 |
100 |
130 |
5 |
3800g |
1000mm |
TypeA:80-120 TypeB:120-150 TypeC:150-200 |
透气布应用行业(USES Lndustry)
水泥行业(Cement industries):水泥厂(cement plant) 散装水泥车、船(buik cement truck and ship)矿业(Mining industries)氧化铝 (aluminium) ,石灰(lime) ,粉煤灰(coal) 磷酸盐 (phosphates)化工行业(Chemical plants): 苏打(sode)电厂(Power plants ),粉煤灰(coal),脱硫 (desulfurize)食品行业(Food industry) ,,面粉(flour)可根据客户要求特殊生产
盛泉透气层Shengquan-Airslide Fabrics 介绍(lntroduction)
AlRSLIDE-Shengquan offers a comprehensive range of Poly Airrslide for use in air gravity conveyors
Air gravity conveyors are used to move dry particle material in a variety of
Industries such as cement ,detergent,transportation (bulk hauiers,banres)
Our products are seni-permeadle (allow air to pass through ,but not product)
and manufactured to meet specific permeation ranges ensuring thet uniform volumes
Of air are allowed to pass through ,given standard air pressure.
Polyester Airslide is manufactured in 2-5 ply from durable and abrasion resistant poiyester
Fabrics ,Airslide and abrasion resistant polyester fabrics.Airslide fabrics and Airslide
Pads form an integral part of Pneumatic Conveyor Systems
工作原理(FUNTlON)物料悬浮于透气层上在空气斜槽中移动。Prodct moves in the over air- permeating textile
斜槽有一定的倾角。The slide is set at a certain slope
涤纶纱进厂检测: 1:1800g/单纱强力 : ---》纱线合股后检测: 2:----》合股纱经线 18000g /股纱强力
3:----》纬纱股数 25000g/ 股纱强力 4: -----》重型织机织布经纬: 密度:31-33花 /25.4mm
5:----》检验验布 :打包 贴合格证出厂